Sticky Ironman Guide - Updated


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Apr 27, 2021
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If i have missed anything or got something wrong please let me know. Yes i know I'm bad at guides.
If you have any questions feel free to contact a Staff Member.
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Ironman mode is completely self-sufficient meaning that you cannot trade, duel, or pick up PVP items. Drop rates are the same as regular accounts. There are however quite a few shops that you can buy majority of the basic skilling items from, which i will list later on. I highly suggest you start with the starter pack if it's available for you.

The current exp rate is 3X that of regular RS and can only be increased via global exp, wilderness exp, or admin trigger exp as 2x scrolls do not exist for iron accounts. Yes, it is very time consuming. You also receive 1 hour of bonus exp upon starting, i used mine on mage. There is NO higher drop rate, the drop rate is the same as regular accounts.

You will keep 3 of your items upon death and any un-tradables you have.

Sir Owens is obtained the same way as regular players, which is reaching Prestige 3.

Useful Commands
::whatdrops ItemName

::checkdrops NPC Name

I will only post images of shops with different items in it. All mini game shops are the same as regular players.

Iron man vote shop - Edge bank, Gem bags is full of uncut gems and disappears after withdrawn, exp lamps give xp based on your current level.

Any general store shopkeeper, only place to buy a cannonball mould.


Any slayer master - slayer point shop - skilling teleport - the lamps are strictly only for slayer exp.


Bob - skilling store, does not sell crafting items - ::skill


- This list has the same shops as regular players.
*Jatix - Herblore ingredient store - Neitiznot and Draynor.
*Vanessa - Seed store - Catherby Farm Patch - Seeds that can't be bought he are obtainable from Cave Crawlers.
*Cap'n izzy no-beard - agility shop - Gnome agility or Barbarian agility.
*Pikkupstix - Summoning shop - skilling teleport
*Thok, Master of Dungeoneering, Dungeoneering shop - Lumbridge
*Xuan - Loyalty Point Store - Varrock
*Chuck - Penguins hide and seek - Ardougne zoo
*Max the traveller - Tool shop also has mithril pickaxe and mithril hatchet. Full cannon set - Edge
*Shopkeeper kofi - Requires $10 Donor status - Donor Zone - Easier way of getting fire cape, barrow gloves, Dragon Defender and Manta Rays.

Melee intro
As many stats on a ironman combat can be very time consuming. It is extremely suggested to do slayer tasks while training any combat stat, when resetting a task there is no 100k fee, you can either ::resettask or talk to your local master. When you begin this journey i suggest you head over to the slayer shop and buy a slayer staff or a leaf-blade(this is shared xp) as they are the best melee weapons to use when starting out up until you can wear rune items.

Acquiring rune armor and weapons
The best way of getting rune items would be low level revenants but can be extremely dangerous as they can only be found ithrough out the wilderness around varrock and black knights castle but can be time consuming to find.

Must have items
These are just suggestions but i highly recommend getting them when you can.

  • Charming imp - Obtainable from dungeoneering shop - 6k tokens - Auto picks up charms. You can thank me for having them add this :p
  • Bonecrusher - Obtainable from Slayer Point Shop - 60 points - Auto bury bones - Highly suggested to buy this first.
  • Full void with helms - Pest Control game - 440 points for full - At least get the range one as it's technically the best for irons.
  • Rune cross bow - Found by killing Aviansies - God war dungeon - Armadyl boss teleport
  • Clue Scrolls - Found by any random NPC drop - Difficulty depends on the NPC hp level - Good for food drops, d hide armor, etc.
  • Wildy keys - obtainable from wilderness bosses - opens a building/chest near mage bank for chance of higher tier items.
  • Sir Owen Sword, obtainable when you get 1920 total from the king at varrock castle.

Magic can actually be one of the most time consuming because there is really only two ways of getting runes.
  • Barrows - suggested to have 43 prayer first - Random amount of runes and a chance of a random barrows item.
  • Runecrafting - I suggest doing Mind Runes up til at least 44 for nature runes, the reason for this is because of the Magic Dart spell.
  • Magic Dart Spell - Requires 50 magic, Slayer Staff, 1 death and 4 mind runes to cast - I did this spell up til around 80 magic while working on slayer and I'll say it's actually pretty OP, I was almost constantly hitting 20s+ wearing full infinity.
  • Staff of Fire - 50% drop by Pyrefiend - Found in fremennik dungeon under training teleports.
  • Full Infinity - Obtained by Slayer point shop or buyable from pest control for different colors.

  • Crafting - *UPDATED 3/5/2017* Gem rocks have been released and are now the best way to level up crafting for irons as its a 100% mine rate for gems. How to get there, City Teleports > 3rd page > Shilo Village, then run North West to the mining area. I highly suggest making them into amulets.
  • Alternative way is by flax or killing scorpions for a 50% uncut sapphire drop, Deadly Red Spiders will drop uncut rubies 50% and cave crawlers drop uncut diamonds and noted sapphires 50% Along with runes, seeds and rune arrows. Currently regular gold crafting, cutting topaz, opal and jades doesn't work. (I suggested the fix many times) While doing slayer it is highly advised to bank all dragon hides you receive as you will regret it later on. Brutal green dragons drop 2 green hides at a time. 55 Crafting is required to wear Slayer Helm and to create Ring of Wealth. Callisto has a 50% drop rate to drop 75 noted black d hides.
  • Smithing/Mining - Doing arrowheads is the best bet for this as it's the best thing to level up fletching also, but it's advised to do coal and make cannonballs until you can make addy arrowheads. Make sure you hit every star that lands but this does require 90 mining for the first layer and goes down by 10 levels each one which you can also receive the adze pickaxe which can be used as both a pickaxe and hatchet.
  • Fletching - Referring back to the Smithing/Mining I would suggest doing mainly arrow shafts when starting out til you can make most arrowheads. You can use the summoning shop to buy willow logs to make shafts at any level or try out the woodcutting skill.
  • Runecrafting - I mentioned this earlier, and i suggest doing mind runes as they are the same exp as air runes up until you can do Nature Runes, these are only about a 1.1k difference in exp but the Nature runes will come in handy if you decide to alch your way to 99 magic.
  • Dungeoneering - I suggest after getting the charming imp to play castle wars to level this stat, at floor 4 you only gain around 13k xp per 7-10min, and for me at level 80 dung I'm using cw lamps gaining 13k xp per lamp at 13k-39k xp per 15 minutes.
  • Hunter - If your a iron you know how slow this stat can be so I highly suggest you use castle war lamps on this as well at least til 74 when you can start ninja imp.
Obtaining Dragon axe and Dragon pickaxe
Dragon axe/hatchet can be obtained by any of the 3 dagannoth kings which is a 0.7812% drop rate.

Dragon pickaxe can be obtained by Chaos Dwarf hand cannoneers at 0.2565% and from wildy bosses Callisto and Venenatis at 0.7812%
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Bronze Poster
Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Generally I'd say it's better to make adamant bolts (fletching and smithing) over arrows since diamond and ruby bolts (e) can be used for pvm.


May 28, 2021
Reaction score
Burger King

If i have missed anything or got something wrong please let me know. Yes i know I'm bad at guides.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me here or contact me in game "Frodo"
Hit CRTL + F key for faster searching.

Ironman mode is completely self-sufficient meaning that you cannot trade, duel, or pick up PVP items. Drop rates are the same as regular accounts. There are however quite a few shops that you can buy majority of the basic skilling items from, which i will list later on. I highly suggest you start with the starter pack if it's available for you.

The current exp rate is 3X that of regular RS and can only be increased via global exp, wilderness exp, or admin trigger exp as 2x scrolls do not exist for iron accounts. Yes, it is very time consuming. You also receive 1 hour of bonus exp upon starting, i used mine on mage. There is NO higher drop rate, the drop rate is the same as regular accounts.

You will keep 3 of your items upon death and any untradables you have, this was fixed a few months ago.

Super ironman mode is unlocked at 1920 total by talking to the king at varrock castle. Nothing changes at this point, you just unlock the Sir Owen sword.

Useful Commands
::whatdrops ItemName

::checkdrops NPC Name

I will only post images of shops with different items in it. All mini game shops are the same as regular players.

Iron man vote shop - Edge bank, Gem bags is full of uncut gems and disappears after withdrawn, exp lamps give xp based on your current level.

Any general store shopkeeper, only place to buy a cannonball mould.


Any slayer master - slayer point shop - skilling teleport - the lamps are strictly only for slayer exp.


Bob - skilling store, does not sell crafting items - Neitiznot and/or ::skill


- This list has the same shops as regular players.
*Jatix - Herblore ingredient store - Neitiznot and Draynor.
*Vanessa - Seed store - Catherby Farm Patch - Seeds that can't be bought he are obtainable from Cave Crawlers.
*Cap'n izzy no-beard - agility shop - Gnome agility or Barbarian agility.
*Pikkupstix - Summoning shop - skilling teleport
*Thok, Master of Dungeoneering, Dungeoneering shop - Lumbridge
*Xuan - loyalty store - Varrock
*Chuck - Penguins hide and seek - Ardougne zoo
*Max the traveller - Tool shop also has mithril pickaxe and mithril hatchet. Full cannon set - Edge
*Shopkeeper kofi - Requires $10 Donor status - Donor Zone - Easier way of getting fire cape, barrow gloves for around 2.8m each and manta rays for around 4k each.

Melee intro
As many stats on a ironman combat can be very time consuming. It is extremely suggested to do slayer tasks while training any combat stat, when resetting a task there is no 100k fee, you can either ::resettask or talk to your local master. When you begin this journey i suggest you head over to the slayer shop and buy a slayer staff or a leaf-blade(this is shared xp) as they are the best melee weapons to use when starting out up until you can wear rune items.

Acquiring rune armor and weapons
The best way of getting rune items would be low level revenants but can be extremely dangerous as they can only be found ithrough out the wilderness around varrock and black knights castle but can be time consuming to find.

Must have items
These are just suggestions but i highly recommend getting them when you can.

  • Charming imp - Obtainable from dungeoneering shop - 6k tokens - Auto picks up charms. You can thank me for having them add this :p
  • Bonecrusher - Obtainable from Slayer Point Shop - 60 points - Auto bury bones - Highly suggested to buy this first.
  • Full void with helms - Pest Control game - 440 points for full - At least get the range one as it's technically the best for irons.
  • Rune cross bow - Found by killing Aviansies - God war dungeon - Armadyl boss teleport
  • Clue Scrolls - Found by any random NPC drop - Difficulty depends on the NPC hp level - Good for food drops, d hide armor, etc.
  • Wildy keys - obtainable from wilderness bosses - opens a building/chest near mage bank for chance of higher tier items.
  • Sir Owen Sword, obtainable when you get 1920 total from the king at varrock castle.

Magic can actually be one of the most time consuming because there is really only two ways of getting runes.
  • Barrows - suggested to have 43 prayer first - Random amount of runes and a chance of a random barrows item.
  • Runecrafting - I suggest doing Mind Runes up til at least 44 for nature runes, the reason for this is because of the Magic Dart spell.
  • Magic Dart Spell - Requires 50 magic, Slayer Staff, 1 death and 4 mind runes to cast - I did this spell up til around 80 magic while working on slayer and I'll say it's actually pretty OP, I was almost constantly hitting 20s+ wearing full infinity.
  • Staff of Fire - 50% drop by Pyrefiend - Found in fremennik dungeon under training teleports.
  • Full Infinity - Obtained by Slayer point shop or buyable from pest control for different colors.

  • Crafting - *UPDATED 3/5/2017* Gem rocks have been released and are now the best way to level up crafting for irons as its a 100% mine rate for gems. How to get there, City Teleports > 3rd page > Shilo Village, then run North West to the mining area. I highly suggest making them into amulets.
  • Alternative way is by flax or killing scorpions for a 50% uncut sapphire drop, Deadly Red Spiders will drop uncut rubies 50% and cave crawlers drop uncut diamonds and noted sapphires 50% Along with runes, seeds and rune arrows. Currently regular gold crafting, cutting topaz, opal and jades doesn't work. (I suggested the fix many times) While doing slayer it is highly advised to bank all dragon hides you receive as you will regret it later on. Brutal green dragons drop 2 green hides at a time. 55 Crafting is required to wear Slayer Helm and to create Ring of Wealth. Callisto has a 50% drop rate to drop 75 noted black d hides.
  • Smithing/Mining - Doing arrowheads is the best bet for this as it's the best thing to level up fletching also, but it's advised to do coal and make cannonballs until you can make addy arrowheads. Make sure you hit every star that lands but this does require 90 mining for the first layer and goes down by 10 levels each one which you can also receive the adze pickaxe which can be used as both a pickaxe and hatchet.
  • Fletching - Referring back to the Smithing/Mining I would suggest doing mainly arrow shafts when starting out til you can make most arrowheads. You can use the summoning shop to buy willow logs to make shafts at any level or try out the woodcutting skill.
  • Runecrafting - I mentioned this earlier, and i suggest doing mind runes as they are the same exp as air runes up until you can do Nature Runes, these are only about a 1.1k difference in exp but the Nature runes will come in handy if you decide to alch your way to 99 magic.
  • Dungeoneering - I suggest after getting the charming imp to play castle wars to level this stat, at floor 4 you only gain around 13k xp per 7-10min, and for me at level 80 dung I'm using cw lamps gaining 13k xp per lamp at 13k-39k xp per 15 minutes.
  • Hunter - If your a iron you know how slow this stat can be so I highly suggest you use castle war lamps on this as well at least til 74 when you can start ninja imp.
Obtaining Dragon axe and Dragon pickaxe
Dragon axe/hatchet can be obtained by any of the 3 dagannoth kings which is a 0.7812% drop rate.

Dragon pickaxe can be obtained by Chaos Dwarf hand cannoneers at 0.2565% and from wildy bosses Callisto and Venenatis at 0.7812%

Love the guide @Jambita
I've never been into Ironman Mode, but there are many who are and could use a guide like this!